Although I’m such a strong advocate of blogging for yourself, it’s also nice when people read and experience what you put so much effort into. So here are some ways to keep people coming back to your blog time and time again.
  • Write interesting content that’s fresh and exciting. People love advice and tutorials. Look at your post data and see which posts are the most popular. Take what information you find and write posts similar to those.
  • Be consistent in posting. Nothing annoys me more than people coming back from a three month break, posting five posts within a week, and disappearing again. Even if you only post once a week, being consistent means readers know when to expect new content. 
  • Have good, bright photography throughout your blog to make it an enjoying viewing experience. Crappy, dark photos aren’t going to engage readers to keep coming back.
  • Have your own voice rather than trying to do what everyone else is doing. There isn’t a clear recipe for blogging success so why bother copying what someone else has done. Just because it’s worked for them doesn’t guarantee that it’ll work for your blog. So just be yourself.
  • Clearly organize your blog so readers can click into different categories to read more posts they’re interested in. No one is going to scroll twelve pages back to read old posts or hunt for posts on topics they like. But if you categorize them well it’s likely readers will scroll back a few pages within a category.
  • Engage people on social media so they know when you’ve published a new post and also so they know you’re a real person. Obviously you are, but engaging with people on social media makes you that much more down to earth and relate-able. Plus you’re probably on social media anyway.
In the end if you write consistent, interesting content you’ll have no problem with keeping people coming back to your blog. Now get to posting!
xoxo Kayla