Since nearly all of my hobbies have magically turned into my job, I am on the hunt for new ones. I need something completely separate from my sticker, YouTube, blogging life to keep things interesting and to fill any (rare) downtime I may have. Enter knitting.
I learned how to knit on one very strange trip in middle school with my best friend/maid of honor Lauren. Her grandma got us supplies and we spent a good week knitting terrible-looking scarves we never actually finished. Fast forward to present day during a game night with a few new neighborhood friends. Amy showed me some of the stuffed animals she’s knitted for her two daughters and I about died from cuteness overload. I had to create them.
Amy was kind enough to bring over a few extra knitting supplies to practice with the next morning when I couldn’t get the knitting desire out of my head. I relearned everything I didn’t really know how to do in the first place and she and I talked about what pattern to start out with. I’ll be knitting an adorable hippo stuffed animal in no time.
So far I keep dropping stitches a little too often, but it’s been a great way to get to know one of my neighbors better while giving me a pointless project to work on. I’ve also joined a neighborhood book club to get me back into reading and Alex and I are having more fun preparing unique dinners. 
I never really knew how important hobbies were until I no longer had them. I’ve missed doing things just for the sake of doing them, not because they put food on the table. And who knows, maybe I’m a knitting savant and just haven’t uncovered my talents yet!