10 Quick Tips to Having a Very Productive Week
Ah Mondays. They get a bad rep. Mostly because we don’t prepare over the weekend to make sure it starts off on the right foot. If you’re looking to have the most productive week yet, here are 10 quick things you can do to set yourself up for success.
Create a to do list the night before Monday. That way when you’ve dragged yourself into work the next morning, you know exactly what you need to do rather than messing about on Facebook for a few hours before finally settling down to work.
Prepare meals for breakfast and lunch so you’re making healthier choices than a late afternoon trip to the vending machine. Having them pre-made makes it easy to just grab from the fridge and go in the morning too. Basically, do all the thinking the night before so you don’t have to worry about anything bright and early Monday morning.
Finish your laundry. I can’t tell you how many times I get halfway through the week and run out of underwear. Finish your laundry over the weekend so you aren’t having to do it during the week when you’re swamped with spontaneous events and nights out. Plus you’ll have all of your favorite clothes.
Make sure your car has gas. Another one of those better safe than sorry tips. This list is pretty much an exposé of all of the dumb things I did when I had a desk job. So many Monday mornings I find myself in a car that’s on E and rushing to the gas station, already late to work. Give yourself at least a fighting chance and make sure you have a half a tank or more.
Pack your bags for the next day. If you have plans to go to the gym, pack that bag the night before and put it by the door. Any lofty goals current you has will be immediately forgotten by future you if you don’t make it as easy as possible.
Have an idea of what you want to wear in mind or picked out Sunday night. That way you’ll look your best and start the week feeling great.
Charge all of your electronics. If you have a fitbit or Apple watch, make sure your devices are charged to kick the week of on the right foot (literally). 
Map out the week ahead so you have a sense of where you need to be and what you need to do. Have a lot of meetings on Tuesday? Push preparing for that big presentation to Wednesday so you won’t be interrupted by meetings. 
Get to bed early. Turn off Netflix before eleven and you’ll be bright-eyed the next morning. 
Drink a lot of water Monday morning. I mean, drink a lot of water period, but especially Monday morning. But you knew that, right?
What are some of the ways you prepare to have a very productive week?